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How to Launch Your Program

Got your program set up and ready to share it with potential members? Here are the tips and tricks.

Written by Melissa Moody
Updated over a week ago

Your members want more 1:1 connection. Now, with Matcha, you’re

able to give that to them. Go you. This brief guide is for anyone who has created a group and program on Matcha and is preparing to share with your members.

Getting ready

  • Plan who to invite: Once you’ve created your first match program, you’ll be able to start inviting members to join.

    • Have an existing set of members? You can invite them by uploading their emails via CSV.

    • Or you might want to post about it on social with a share-able link.

    • Consider if the group will be public or unlisted (private).

    • Ensure the people you invite have a shared focus, so the value they’ll get by participating is clear.

  • Pick a start date: Give yourself a week or two between setting up the program and sending out the first matches. This allows you to get all members added to the

    program and ready to rock! It also gives you time to promote the program so

    people know about it.

  • Use the right language: People respond best to a new program when they know why it’s being started and why it has value for them. Spend a few moments planning how this group will do just that. Here are two examples for you to be inspired by - or copy!

Launch like a pro

  • Send invites via Matcha: Once you’ve set up your program, you can send invites in 3 ways: manually, via CSV upload, or by using a shareable link. Members will be prompted to go through a simple 3-step set up

  • Promote the program: Where do you normally update your members about things? Slack? A weekly email? Push notifications? It’s highly recommended to promote the launch of the Matcha program through your own platforms to get the most member engagement.

Check in to make sure it's a success

  • Reinforce the initiative:

    • Regularly talking about the initiative (or the matches that are happening) in your native channels will result in higher engagement in the program.

    • Matcha integrates easily with Slack (or other programs through Zapier).

  • Encourage members:

    • Make sure your members join a program - not just the group. (Some groups have more than one program, so members will need to opt in to the programs they want to take part in.)

    • Encourage everyone to update their Matcha profiles as a source of information that makes every connection better.

  • See match and program insights:

Have questions? Email [email protected] at any time. And now for the fun part...

Tips from real Matcha program admins

  • "Quotes" from admins will be added here... from folks at Gong, PMM Camp, Exit Five and more...

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