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How to Create Your Group on Matcha

The simple steps for anyone to create a group on Matcha.

Written by Melissa Moody
Updated over a week ago

Your community, org, or team is ready to start building 1:1 connections? Awesome! It all starts with a few simple steps to Create a Group on Matcha. The next key steps are creating a matching program and inviting members.

How to create a Group

When you log in to Matcha, on the left-hand navigation, click the waving hand icon to open up Matcha Programs. This is where you'll see groups you've joined, groups you are an admin for, and a "+" button to create a new Group.

There steps to creating a group should be very simple - beginning with adding a Name, URL, and Icon. Once you've done that, click create and your group is now created.

What can I do with a group?

Matcha is not a community platform, but rather a way for communities to create more 1:1 engagement among their members. However, if you are looking to use Matcha as a simple community platform, you can:

  • Add members here at no cost. Click Admin Tools > All Members > Invite Members

  • Update the status message for your group to see, with any message you choose. Updates and guidelines go well here.

Most organizations will create a group simply as the first step before creating a matching program. Within a group, you may create one or more matching programs, each with their own settings and details.

What's next?

Learn about creating a matching program for your group here.

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