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How Individuals Use Matcha

Explore the ways that different professionals create connection and build their network with Matcha.

Written by Melissa Moody
Updated over a week ago

Important Note: Today, Matcha is primarily built for communities, orgs, and teams to create 1:1 connection programs for their groups. Unless you were invited to a specific group, you aren't fully able to tap into the power of Matcha... YET.

Our offerings for individuals are rapidly evolving and below is a look at what's available today - and coming soon!

Your Matcha Profile

Everyone who joins a Matcha Group or program gets a personal profile page. This pages has simple functionality to add more about yourself – as a basis for better conversations and connections.

Features of the profile page today include:

  • A general info section: photo, headline, summary text, status updates, and social links.

  • Fully customizable cards to showcase what you are working on and want to connect with others about. Explore more about how you can build and use your Profile page here.

Collaboration, Creation, and Connection

One of the biggest needs for today's modern professional is the ability to collaborate on projects, brand partnerships, co-marketing, side-hustles and more. If people want to work with you in a certain area, you want to hear about it – without all the noise.

So if you're building things like templates, podcasts, courses, downloadable, and more – your Matcha Profile can be the perfect place to show that off. A place where others can see what you're building, and not just at your day job.

When creating any card, you can turn on Matcha Connect - which enables other Matcha users to message you directly about that card on your profile.

Matcha Pro

Matcha Pro is a paid tier of Matcha that unlocks multiple solutions designed for the professional who values connection as a growth-driver. Today, with Matcha Pro, you get:

  • Your choice of reserved user names, including those with fewer than 4 characters

  • Ability to connect a custom URL to your Matcha page. (Example) This makes it easy to share your profile like a simplified personal website – anywhere.

  • Deeper insights and analytics

With Matcha Pro, you'll also be the first to have access to any new updates we launch. You also can have

Coming Soon

Matcha Pro users will continue to get access to new features (coming soon!) designed for professionals who connect with intention.

Follow our account on LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest product updates – and consider grabbing your own Matcha profile today, so you'll be ready for the next evolution.

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